Predaj hosťovacích povolení
Hosťovacie povolenia pre rybársku verejnosť sú v predaji celoročne a dotýkajú sa ich iba aktuálne obmedzenia v revíry, preto si ich prosím pred zámerom zakúpiť povolenie pozorne prečítajte. Začiatok časového úseku, v ktorom chcete loviť je voliteľný, napr. máte záujem o hosťovacie povolenie na 24 hod., konkrétne deň 1. júna, požiadajte teda predajcu povolení, aby vám vyznačil čas lovu napr. od 16:00 h. V uvedenom prípade je povolenie platné od 1. júna 16:00 h. do 2. júna 16:00 h. Je potrebné si uvedomiť, že privlastnením si úlovku v povolenom množstve alebo počte (zapísaním ryby do prehľadu) sa lov okamžite skončí. Po privlastnení si ryby už nesmiete udice nahodiť, pokiaľ si nezakúpite ďalšie povolenie.
Cena povolenia na lov rýb pre osobu od 15 rokov/dospelý rybár od 1.1.2021:
Cena povolenia na lov rýb pre osobu do 15 rokov/žiacke povolenie od 1.1.2021:
Deti do 6 rokov môžu v sprievode plnoletej osoby (18 rokov) znalej prevádzkového poriadku rybárskej spoločnosti loviť v mesiacoch jún, júl a august bezplatne (bez povolenia) na 1 udicu – tzv. bič bez navijaka a môžu si privlastniť iba ostatné ryby (červenica, belica, slnečnica apod.) do maximálnej váhy 1 kg všetkých ulovených rýb spolu.
Cena celoročného povolenia na lov rýb pre osobu od 15 rokov/dospelý rybár / firmu alebo organizáciu od 1.1.2024:
- povolenie je registrované na meno a priezvisko rybára, povolenie je neprenosné na inú osobu, povolenie schvaľuje Rada rybárskej spoločnosti na základe písomnej žiadosti. Počet vydávaných celoročných povolení pre krátkodobých členov je obmedzený.
- povolenie je registrované na názov firmy alebo organizácie a je prenosné na ľubovolnú osobu.
UPOZORNENIE: za darované 2 % z daní sa celoročné povolenia od r. 2019 vydávať nebudú.
Aktualizované 1.1.2024
Fishing Company Komjatice (hereinafter referred to as “the fishing company”) is under obligation to administer the development of fishing grounds No 1. at Komjatice Gravel Pit and fishing grounds No. 2 at the Old Gravel Pit of Komjatice, which were assigned to the fishing company by the Ministry of Agriculture of the SR as other water areas under a special regime. The fishing company must fulfil the obligations given by its statutes, these rules and regulations, and the actions resulting from the decision of the board of the Komjatice Fishing Company. In accordance with Art. 2(1)(c), the fishing company may permit interested persons to fish as guests under special rules. The exercise of fishing rights, daily and multi-daily guests, school children with a guest licence (hereinafter referred to as “guests” or “fishing guests”) shall be governed by the following rules and regulations. The code of ethics and inspector’s manual form a part of the fishing company’s rules and regulations and are published on its website at
Art. I. Protection of Fish
1. The following are prohibited:
a) fishing when specific fish species are under protection and when a fishing ban issued by the board of the fishing company is in force;
b) the removal of fish which are protected, fishing below the minimum and above the maximum permissible catch and in excess of the permissible quantity and number;
c) the use of explosives, poisons, harpoons, spikes, fishing lines without rods, or shooting fish, fishing under ice, fishing with lines and hooking fish with a rod in the fins or eyes;
d) the use of electric current (except for commercial and controlled fishing), narcotics, traps, pots, nets and drop nets with a surface area greater than 1x1 metres and the use of any fixed gear to catch fish;
e) fishing in places where fish have congregated during emergencies. An emergency situation is declared by the board of the fishing company;
f) fishing with more than two fishing rods (a rod without a reel, known as a whip, is considered a fishing rod);
g) fishing with more than one snell on a single rod while fishing with a sinker and float; this snell may have only one hook. Fishing for catfish using bait, live or dead fish, or a selet with a minimum size of 25 cm is permitted on one snell and one treble hook. Fishing for catfish on pellets is permitted with one hook and one snell only;
h) fishing with treble hooks, except fishing for catfish under point (g);
i) fishing for pikeperch and northern pike using any means or taking these fish species;
j) fishing from the islands and in the Žabáreň area (part of fishing ground No. 1 at Komjatice Gravel Pit) and fishing in whole ground No. 2 at Old Komjatice Gravel Pit.
k) fishing between dusk and dawn without lighting the place where rods are set. Light must be
k)visible from all approach sides. Illuminated beacons or sticks (chemical lights) are not considered lighting of the rod area. Proper lighting resolution of the fishing spot is the responsibility of the angler by lighting the rod area;
l) fishing at night with the use of light (illuminating fish underwater with artificial light, using chemical light as bait, etc.). Illuminating the fishing spot is not considered fishing with light;
m) marking a fishing spot other than with a pole buoy;
n) fishing in a polluted area;
o) releasing used baitfish back into the water;
p) gutting fish caught near the water and polluting the environment;
r) reserving a fishing spot in any way;
s) correcting, overwriting, erasing, circumventing or otherwise modifying the record of catches on the fishing permit, summary or catch report;
t) driving a motor vehicle on agricultural land,
u) fishing from vessels purpose-built or intended for activities other than fishing. The prohibition of fishing applies mainly from vessels: windsurfing board, paddleboard, standupboard, inflatable bags, floating boards, inflatable mattresses (inflatables).
2. When and to whom the prohibitions in Art. I., point 1. do not apply is at the discretion of the fishing company’s board.
Art. II. Protection Period and Fish Categories
1. Fishing is not permitted during the specific protection period or when the fishing season is closed.
a) Fish caught under protection, during closed season or not reaching the minimum or exceeding the maximum permissible size must be released into the water immediately by the guest angler with due caution, even if they are injured in any way. If the hook cannot be released without injury or damage to the fish caught, the angler must cut the line or string and release the fish with the hook.
b) The closed season is determined by the fishing company’s board.
2. To the company’s fishing rights are exercised, three categories of fish are specified in these rules and regulations for guests:
Category 1: economically valued fish – common carp;
Category 2: other fish – grass carp, silver carp, white tilefish, European catfish, common bleak, common rudd, silver fish, perch, common bream, rainbow trout, tench, common roach, sunfish, common eel, European chub, dace;
Category 3: predatory fish – catching and taking northern pike and pikeperch is prohibited.
3. From 1 January, until the next stocking in the autumn of the relevant calendar year, rainbow trout is classified as other fish if caught outside the Žabáreň fishing ground No 1. During the period from stocking in the autumn of the relevant calendar year until the end of the year, the guest may retain no more than 1 trout per 24 hours if it is accidentally caught outside the Žabáreň fishing ground; this must be recorded on the fishing permit before casting the rod again. The guest may continue fishing until the conditions for the end of fishing under Art. IV. of these rules and regulations are met.
4. The following animals are protected year-round in the fishing company’s fishing grounds: green toad, common toad, European tree frog, edible frog, common frog.
Art. III. Fishing Times and Catch Rates
1. Fish may be caught all year round at the fishing company’s fishing grounds.
2. The fishing company’s guests may only catch fish at the minimum size but not beyond the maximum permissible size specified in the following table:
Crass carp |
60 cm |
100 cm |
2.5 kg |
Common carp |
40 cm |
65 cm |
1 x |
Tench |
25 cm |
40 cm |
Silver carp |
50 cm |
2.5 kg |
Common eel |
50 cm |
2.5 kg |
Common sturgeon |
– |
– |
European catfish |
- |
150 cm |
2.5 kg |
3. Guests may only catch and release the common sturgeon; guests may not take this fish!
Art. IV. Permitted Quantity and Number of Fish
and Recording the Catch
1. Fishing guests may take:
a) no more than 1 (one) economically valued fish (carp) per day (applies to daily permits), but no more than 4 (four) economically valued fish (carp) per week (applies to weekly fishing permits);
b) fishing on a daily guest permit ends if the guest takes one (1) economically valued fish (carp); fishing on a weekly guest permit ends if the guest takes 4 (four) economically valued fish (carp).
2. The total weight of other fish species which may be taken by fishing guests in one day is no more than 2.5 kg. The guest may only take this quantity in the period when one economically valued fish is caught and taken. If the guest takes more than 2.5 kg of other fish, the daily fishing permit ends.
3. Once the guest has taken the permitted quantity or number of fish species listed on the permit, the angler must end the day’s fishing, remove rods from the water, and vacate the fishing spot.
4. The angler must record all taken economically valued fish on the fishing permit record, showing the time, date, ground number, species, length and weight of the fish. The angler must enter any taken common carp, grass carp and European catfish on the catch report (fish permit) immediately after catching. Other fish in Category 2 under Art. 2. (b) of these rules and regulations, except for grass carp and European catfish, must be recorded by the angler after interruption or termination of fishing.
5. Failure to record any taken fish is considered taking the fish without a fishing permit.
Art. V. School Children with a Guest Fishing Permit Aged between 6 and 15 Years
1. School children between the ages of 6 and 15 may fish with a valid guest fishing permit issued by the fishing company. School children between the ages of 6 and 15 may use only one fishing rod, with or without a reel, and must always be accompanied by a person of legal age who is familiar with the rules and regulations of the fishing company.
2. School Children may take no more than 3 kg of fish per day on a guest permit; the catch may include other fish from Category 2, and 1 (one) economically valued fish (carp). When any species of fish over 3 kg or after 1 (one) economically valuable fish (carp) is taken, the student’s daily catch must end, but previously caught fish from Category 2 may be retained.
3. Children under 6 years of age may fish without a fishing permit using one rod (whip only, without reel) when accompanied by a person of legal age who is familiar with the fishing company’s rules and regulations. Children under 6 years may only take other fish from Category 2 (common rudd, common bleak, sunfish, etc.) up to a maximum total weight of 1 kg.
Art. VI. Maintaining Distance while Fishing, Hauling and Setting Baits and Lures,
Mandatory Equipment
1. While fishing, fishing guests must keep a distance of at least 3 metres between themselves, unless they agree on a shorter distance.
2. While hauling, throwing and feeding, the angler must observe the maximum distance permitted for hauling, throwing and feeding. These distances are indicated with a red line on a map of fishing ground 1 on the information board.
3. Mandatory equipment required by each fishing guest:
a) disinfectant for treating the surface wounds of caught fish;
b) gauge to determine the length of the fish caught;
c) fishhook removing tool (pean forceps or other);
d) net with rings to hold the catch, or other standard equipment (fish-friendly dip net, etc.);
e) landing net the length of the arm or its diameter min. 60 cm,
f) commercial scale which allows careful weighing of fish;
g) commercially sold fishing tray or cradle made of non-absorbent material for unhooking caught fish, with a minimum side height of 20 cm and internal dimensions of at least 100 x 50 cm. The tray filling must be padded with foam, flexible foam or inflatable foam, and have a minimum thickness of 3 cm at the sides and bottom mattress.
4. Before placing the caught fish, the fishing guest must always wet the cradle, tray or mat with water!
5. Children under 6 years are not required to use the mandatory equipment listed in Art. V. (3.) of these rules and regulations while fishing.
6. The fishing guest must have the mandatory equipment ready before starting (i.e., before casting the rod) for the duration of fishing. The guest must use the mandatory equipment appropriately at all times while handling the caught fish to prevent, as far as possible, any injury to the fish.
Art. VII. Fishing
1. Only guests holding a valid fishing permit issued by Fishing Company Komjatice may carry out fishing and take fish.
2. The fishing permit is non-transferable and remains the property of the fishing company.
3. While fishing, the fishing guest must keep rods in sight at all times.
4. While fishing from a boat, using rods other than those in the boat is not permitted.
5. The use of sonar while fishing is permitted.
6. Hauling bait with a fishing boat or electric bait boat is permitted. While transporting lures, feeding and baiting catfish with a lure, the fishing guest must exercise the utmost consideration to all other anglers.
7. Changes or current restrictions at the fishing grounds are regulated by the fishing company’s board and posted at information boards and take precedence over the wording of the rules and regulations.
8. Only a fishing guest who holds a valid fishing permit may handle (cast, retrieve, hook, etc.) a rod equipped with a hook.
Art. VIII. Obligations of Fishing Guests
1. The fishing guest must present a valid fishing permit and catch report to the company’s fisheries inspectors. The fishing guest must carry this document with him/her at all times while fishing.
2. The fishing guest must take all rubbish from the fishing spot and dispose of it outside the grounds of the fishing company, in accordance with the applicable laws for waste disposal.
3. At the end of fishing, the fishing guest must, without undue delay, hand in the fishing permit and completed catch report at the place where the licence was purchased or in the box at fishing ground No. 1 located at the front of the gravel pit.
Art. IX. Fishing Company Inspectors
1. Fishing guests at the fishing grounds will be checked by fisheries inspectors.
2. Inspections at the fishing ground and the fishing area are performed by fisheries inspectors in accordance with the fisheries inspector manual. Before performing an inspection, the inspector must visibly have his/her fisheries inspector badge and produce on request a fisheries inspector card. The inspection will begin with the greeting and announcement: “Fisheries inspection, please present your documents for fishing.”. The inspector will retain all presented documents, membership or student permits, and fishing permits in his/her possession throughout the inspection. The inspector will thoroughly verify the authenticity of the documents and the angler’s authorisation to fish at the company’s fishing grounds. The inspector will check the permit and appropriateness of the fishing method, in particular, by verifying the bait, the number of rods and the positioning of these rods. The inspector may ask the angler to remove the rod and lure from the water to perform a check of the rod. The inspector will check the angler’s mandatory equipment. The inspector will ask the angler for information about the fish caught and compare it with the entries in the documents. The inspector will also verify the presence of the caught fish in the storage equipment. If the inspector finds any discrepancies with the recorded values, the caught fish must be remeasured. If the angler states that he/she has not taken any fish, the inspector will verify this by physically inspecting the fishing spot, the fishing gear, and (with the angler’s consent), the angler’s motor vehicle (caravan, etc.). The permit holder/angler must respect the inspector’s instructions. If the inspector finds a serious infringement of the rules and regulations, he/she will end the inspection with an entry in the fishing permit, stating the date, the number of the inspector’s licence, the entry “inspection – permit withheld” and his/her signature. If the inspector withholds the permit, he/she will briefly inform the angler and state a reason for withholding. He/she will then record the withholding on the required form, stating the circumstances under which the fishing permit was withheld. Finally, he/she will ask the angler to sign a form confirming that the angler has been informed of the reason for withholding the fishing permit. If the inspection is completed without finding any violations of the rules and regulations, the inspector will record on the fishing permit in the appropriate space the date, the inspector’s licence number, the entry “inspection without deficiencies” and his/her signature. When the inspector announces: “Fishing inspection finished”, the inspector will say goodbye and leave the inspection spot.
3. At the request of the inspector, the holder of a fishing permit must present:
a) a valid fishing permit issued by the fishing company;
b) ID card or other proof of identity;
c) angler’s prepared mandatory equipment.
4. During an inspection, the inspector may measure and weigh the catch. Progress of the inspection may also be documented with appropriate audio or video recording equipment.
5. At the inspector’s request, the fishing guest must make available any objects in which the caught fish could be stored (tents, buckets, nets, etc.). The guest must also obey the instructions and orders of the inspector and abide with all his/her actions.
6. The inspection record template is approved by the fishing company’s board at the proposal of the disciplinary committee.
Art. X. Use of Fishing Boats and Bait Boats
1. Fishing boats are vessels for the transport of persons and may be used in a manner which does not interfere with the exercise of fishing rights on the water and at anchor. It is forbidden to use motorboats and scooters powered with petroleum products, chemical or electrical means (batteries and accumulators) to transport persons in the fishing company’s grounds. You may propel the boat only with your own power, such as oars or paddles. Guests may bring and use their own fishing boats brought in for short-term use (inflatable, fibreglass, etc.); these boats are not subject to registration or a fee.
2. Use of remote-controlled bait boats with electric propulsion to carry lures and bait is permitted and does not require any registration. While remotely setting lures and baits with a bait boat, the angler must observe the maximum distance permitted for hauling, casting and feeding indicated on the map of Ground No. 1 by a red line.
Art. XI. Maintaining Order and Prohibition of Entry
with a Caravan or Mobile Home by Guests
1. Komjatice Fishing Company leases the fishing grounds Nos. 1 and 2 from the municipality of Komjatice. The lease agreement stipulates the obligation to maintain order and cleanliness in the fishing grounds.
It is therefore prohibited:
a) to light fires in the gravel pit area or on any island;
b) to camp, bivouac, or build shelters on any island,
c) to leave waste at the fishing spot or any part of the fishing company’s fishing grounds, to fish in a polluted area; each guest must take all rubbish from the fishing spot with him/her and dispose it outside the grounds of the fishing company in accordance with the applicable laws for waste disposal;
d) to enter the fishing company’s grounds with a caravan, motorcaravan, motorhome or car adapted for living on the fishing grounds.
2. A guest may camp or bivouac only with a valid fishing permit and only within the perimeter of the gravel pit (on the shore).
3. The fishing guest may use a grill in the gravel pit, with a metal plate placed above the ground so that the fire does not damage the surrounding vegetation.
Art. XII. Final Provisions
1. Each fishing guest must comply with Section 33(1) of Act No. 216/2018 Coll. on fisheries, as amended, and Act No 455/1991 Coll. on business and trade (Trade Licensing Act), as amended, the statutes of the fishing company, and these rules and regulations.
2. Only the fishing company’s board may reserve a fishing spot. The use of electric motors as propulsion for boats is only permitted for members of the fishing company’s board and the fishing company’s inspectors while performing work related to managing the fishing grounds.
3. By purchasing a Guest Permit for fishing in the fishing grounds of the Komjatice Fishing Company, the buyer becomes a member of the fishing company with a daily time limit.
These rules and regulations enter into force and effect on 1 January 2024.
Komjatice Fishing Company
Dolná 12, 941 06 Komjatice
Company ID No.: 37868594
VAT ID No.: 2021707017